Make your own armillary sundial

Most of the armillary sundial available in the market are made of metal like copper and brass. Metal circles aorund the genom represents most important areas of the sky. Greek philosopher Anaximander of Miletus (611-547 BC) or astronomer Hipparchus or (190-120 BC)invented this armillary sundial.

However, they are beautiful and complex. If you can not find in your area or are too expensive to buy, you can always create your own. It is difficult, but the tools and techniques that you may be able to pull it off easily.

You need cardboard, scissors, painter, long toothpick, disk cd with case and a tape that is wider than 25 mm.

Make hour circles on paper or print it from a cloack image.Make black lines by cut with scissors, and place it on your head and keep the tape on them. Use a long strip of tape and let it hang from the bottom. Roman numerals in the center to an hour a circle along the edge CD insert.

Using colored paper, cut two circles, each 3 cm.Tape on both sides clearly and insert the toothpick right through the middle of CD case.

Take the case of gem and hinged opening on the left. Now, take the sundial and the location of the assembly line in a window with an hour circle on the opposite side of the hinge. Now slope on the left side of the case so that your coverage is based on the assembly line.

Find out the latitude of your current loaction from google earth. Look at the sundial in the head while on a flat surface. Adjust the angle of toothpick while inclining the CD case according to your latitue.

Place the sundial on the sun, to check their position and time, and adjust it until it reads the correct time. Your armillary sundial is ready. You can adjust it with the daylight saving time adjustment during couple of moths a year.

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